Luna, or The Moon as we know it, is an astronomical body that orbits planet Earth. It's Earth's only permanent, natural satellite. Among all natural satellites in our Solar System, the Moon is the fifth largest. It is the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that it orbits.

But most of that we all know... 

So, let's find some unbelievable and interesting facts about the moon!

1. Only one side of the moon is ever seen from the earth.

The moon is in synchronous rotation with the earth, meaning the moon rotates on its own axis in exactly the same time it takes to rotate around the earth. (See the first picture below)

2. The Moon is drifting away from the earth.

Gravitational forces between the earth's tides and the moon are the reason why the moon is drifting away from earth by about 4cm per year.

3. The rise and fall of earth's tides are caused by the moon.

4. You weigh much less on the moon than on earth.

Because of much weaker gravity on the moon than on earth, you will weigh about one-sixth of your normal weight on the moon.

5. Only 12 people have ever set foot on the moon.

6. The last time a human has set foot on the moon was in 1972.

The last man to walk the moon was Gene Cernan. He traced his only child's initials in the dust before climbing the ladder of the lunar module for the last time.

7. In 1958 the USA considered setting off a nuclear bomb on the moon.

8. A full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun. Its face is then fully illuminated by the sun.

9. Craters on the moon are named after scholars, scientists, artists, and explorers.

10. One person's ashes are "buried" on the moon.

Dr. Eugene M. Shoemaker's greatest unfulfilled dream was to go to the moon. His ashes were launched into a lunar orbit on the Lunar Prospector. When the spacecraft's battery failed at the end of its lifetime it, together with its special payload, crashed to the moon.

1. Dolphins take second place after humans with regards to intelligence.
They are not only very caring and loving but are believed to take second place after humans, for intelligence.

2. Dolphins do not chew their food.
They do not chew their food but swallow it whole. Their teeth are only used to catch their food.

3. They only sleep with half their brains.
One half of the brain stays awake and alert during sleep. This enables them to breathe and keeps them safe from predators.

4. Dolphin cows nurse their babies for up to 3 years.

5. Calves stay with their mothers for up to 8 years.

6. Dolphins respond to their own unique "names".
Scientists proved that dolphins develop their own unique whistles. Individual dolphins will respond when they are called upon.

7. They can live for up to 50 years.

8. Dolphins can dive up to 1000 feet.

9. Killer whales belong to the dolphin family.

10. These caring creatures will often be seen tending to the sick, old or injured in their group or "pod".

1. The first year of a cat's life, in terms of development, is equal to 15 years of a human's life.

After the second year, a cat's age equals 25 years of human life, and after that, each year equals about 7 years.

2. Domesticated cats spend about 70% of their day sleeping and 15% of the day grooming.

 3. Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.

4. Kittens born to the same mother is sometimes called a kindle, while a "clowder of cats" is used for a group of cats.

5. A lover of cats is called an ailurophile, while someone with a fear of cats is called an ailurophobe.

6. Cats have on average 244 bones in their bodies (the length of its tail and amount of toes can throw this count off), while humans only have 206 bones in their entire body.

7. A cat can jump up to five times its height and up to six times its length.

8. Cats cannot see in total darkness but see very well in low light.

That is because cats have an extra layer of reflective cells, called the tapetum in the retina that bounces light back to sensory cells so the retina receives 50% more of the available light. This layer is also why a cat's eyes glow when you take a photo with a flash.

9. The cat that holds the record for the longest non-fatal fall is called Andy.

He fell from the 16th floor of an apartment building.

10. Adult cats have 30 teeth, whereas kittens only have 26, which they lose at about 6 months old.

1. Bananas, as we know and love them, are a human invention.
Dating back to 5000 B.C. Bananas used to have a lot of seeds, then hybrids were created and now we have seed-free bananas. The little seeds do not have anything to do with the reproduction of these fruits.

2. The banana tree is actually a huge herb.

3. The banana is classified as a berry.

4. Bananas are great for hangovers!
That's because they are rich in potassium, which gets depleted in the body when drinking alcohol.

5. It's believed to be bad luck to bring bananas onto a boat.

6. Bananas are made up of about 75% water.

7. It's very hard to extract juice from bananas.
Although bananas are made up of about 75% water it is very hard to extract juice from them. It's easier to blend the fruit.

8. India is the biggest banana producer in the world, followed by Brazil.

9. Bananas float in water.

10. Banana peel can help relieve itching from insect bites and poison ivy.