Banana Facts - 10 Amazing facts about bananas you never knew

1. Bananas, as we know and love them, are a human invention.
Dating back to 5000 B.C. Bananas used to have a lot of seeds, then hybrids were created and now we have seed-free bananas. The little seeds do not have anything to do with the reproduction of these fruits.

2. The banana tree is actually a huge herb.

3. The banana is classified as a berry.

4. Bananas are great for hangovers!
That's because they are rich in potassium, which gets depleted in the body when drinking alcohol.

5. It's believed to be bad luck to bring bananas onto a boat.

6. Bananas are made up of about 75% water.

7. It's very hard to extract juice from bananas.
Although bananas are made up of about 75% water it is very hard to extract juice from them. It's easier to blend the fruit.

8. India is the biggest banana producer in the world, followed by Brazil.

9. Bananas float in water.

10. Banana peel can help relieve itching from insect bites and poison ivy.

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